
The school days of life

Same as usual,today i am loitering again with Connie n Agnes after class.We will come to lab everyday after we have done our homework.This is Connie and me.She is quite shy and little cute buddy.Forget to mention,Connie and I had dyed our hair.The color not same as the color we bought.We dyed it ourselves!OMG...our hair really uneven.We laughed each others for a long period.By the way,the person really need pity is Agnes.She accompany us until 3am!Sure u will feel weird right?Because we dyed our hair until 3am!!Do u feel us crazy?
See~I never normal even though take a photo.
This is our classroom.Everybody was back home liao.
Well,these photos I take on the sly.They don't know yet!I wanna see whether i got kena scold or not.hehe =) The 1st lady is Agnes.Yeah,as we all know she is same name with me,.Even though our name are same,but we have some disparity.She is quite tall,more than 170 cm if not wrong.All girls of this class are shorter than her.The others lady is the legend girl,Connie.She is a nice and hardworking person.Her every move make me feel she is so cute~She always wake up early in the morning and prepare our breakfast.Her movement always make me shock because what ever she did was so fast,quickly and clean!(er,don't misunderstand,no murder case.haha)
This is the view that we look outside through class window.If u look the photo clearly,u will found uncompleted building.That building is "Cities One"(either City or Cities),the biggest shopping mall in Kuching.It is just opposite of our college.I am very expect and hope the mall can completely done by quickly.If u see clearly again,u will dig out there are many cars block at there,serious obstruction and traffic jam!

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2 评论:

nobody 说...

Your article has recalled my memory especially at the school day of the past...

���������� 说...

Is it?em..really hard life.