

Finally,they makes us indignant.
4 those who got participant in this war shall know that this is about the reputation of us.
no.the more proper word is authority of us.
the aim is to prevent reputation of us.
maybe our enemy still don't know what happened yet.
but this thing really had made us to take offense.
or..maybe they really don't have malice?
maybe they just think this is joyful?
maybe they just think this is prevalent?
popular?or fashionable?
maybe maybe maybe..??
maybe become to "may be"...?

so what?WTF..
now all people were take action.
this got a bit funny la.no one dare to fight with us.
haha.really terror.seems a murder case will be happen.
of course just kidding la.
now the problem had solved.
just left a peace n no war world.

ok.just wanna share something meaningless matter.
2day got BC class.i had punished to stand still 4 many times.
then,i had been "transposition".aiya.
can't deny i really talkative.
teacher also has no way to cure me.
oya.need mention.not me only.
Ms.Cheng,cOnnie n Angeline also be on the list.
this call "internal spirit be closely linked"?
we are too privity each others.
maybe we are related sister last lifetime.

well.ZON C is coming soon.
4 those who are form 5's students.
gambateh and try your best in exam la.
毛哥..haPpy b'day tO you.
don't childish again.haha.
lastly, i feel apologize to my reader.
hope my super duper broken English you all can understood.
that's all from me tonight XD


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