
wander at cafe shop

Today morning is a raining day
i woke up early around 730 pm
then prepared tuition's things..
i go out after having my breakfast----叉烧包~
but i still doze off..
just like the people who want show off drunken master..
Go out with quick step to One Stop
waiting fOr Yi Ying's father fetch us..[I wait with Lee Sia]

that's Yi Ying's parent =]
they are quite funny and kind
very talkative people...
n modern!!

c..they all are shy to take photo
i oblige them d..hehehe

Lee Sia..5 sc 1 student..elite class..
quite pro oh~
she also will "run for drama"..

Yi Ying..
a gurl who like pro drawing in animate
adore her!!

this one actually no need intro
she is frequent person in my blog.
she is Ching vOon..
Pin queen is her lo~XD
super duper TVXQ's fans!!!

try to look emo..hahax





then...we go to PBK tuition liao la~haha
the effect is..I go to toilet for 4 times!!!arghhh...

[end] XD


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