
Thumbs up

today is the last day that i having trial~
the super last subject------BC...
yes,damn happy...freedom NOW!!

I recognize that I really didn't be attentive in class and stay focused.
Always review the note even if it is for few minutes at last minutes.
I didn't plan a schedule and always study in short bouts.
Examination really not a breeze for me.
Some guys are the bugs that make schooling tedious and stressful.
I mean somebody so pro in my class d lar~
Don't pigeon-polling en...

now,xixiaOgurl already has a greed plans for this 2 weeks holidayssss..
so expect and can't wait to implement our plan.
hurrays!! =]

just now Yun come here to scan her handphone.
Her hp got virus...cham liao this time.
always hang!!hope all will be fine lax..

yeahssss..really freedom now~
Ms.Chang,Yun,Bivi......Gambateh for ur ICT~
sure will get A+..u guys aneh pro kaki d =]

ghOst sien,cOnnie,pig...Gambateh for PA too~
sap sap water only for u ppl la~jiayOu =]


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1 评论:

Kim 说...

fwee..~ u're such a cutie girl =D love the cursor too =D
