
Dragon Angpow Year

Hello! How are you reader? I know it is late but I still want greet to all, Happy Dragon year!! Happy angpow day :) I hope all of my readers can hit the jackpot then chia me eat, haha.

In this holiday, I was so pleased that gathered with friend and travelled with my lovely family. Everything was a bed of roses and I was enjoyed in this Chinese New Year. Absence makes the heart grow fonder I thought, as I looked around my relatives after few months of separation, glad that I was with them again. We had got together and chew the fat all days.

The 1st day of the Chinese new year, we woke up early in the morning and prepared some luggage that needs to bring especially cash and clothes! This was the second times I been Kuala Lumpur. I still remember first time I went there is around August of 2009, I was form 4. There is a little bit things change, my feeling was change, because why? Now I am 18, a fat jie jie go with another 5 teenagers and 5 adults… (Include my mum. I can’t imagine if she read this post, I must be kill)

Wa, write until here already feel weird! Haha, long time no use English OMG I don’t know what I am talking about. Sorry again, if you read until here haven’t mata cacat, that means you are a SUPER HUMAN!! Come on. I want continue my rozak English.

Chinese New Year is a festival that can meet up all relatives and friends from any parts of this world! You can see tiok everyone dressed sense for get attention and some even like drop-dead gorgeous. I bought 1 dress, 1 pant and 2 shirts, 2 shoes for this New Year only. Simple dress looks plain but it’s comfortable and nice to wear for me.

After checked in the hotel, we ran into the room and sleep like a log in the room because it is airy and we were tired. The second day, we went to Sunway lagoon. We played crazy in the water park and walked around all park. My grandpa is completely young at heart and was with us whole of the days! He will travel to China someday in this year with his brother. I plan to give grandpa some money to buy something he wants or souvenir. How much I can give? I still don’t know, depend on my salary these months loh =.=

The third day, the 5 teenagers and I went to shopping mall around the hotels. We found games and souvenir at those places. Mum, grandpa, grandma and my eldest uncle went to Genting for gambling!! HUAT ar :D My eldest uncle’s wife was stayed at hotel and rest for whole day.

Still got a lot of places I idle list out and type one by one, haha! The most important things are I had attempted many things and it is worth and priceless for me. It is hard to hang out again with family so I felt delight and joyful. I won’t easy forget the days with my family.

Same with my lovely friendly too, cheer up! For those I haven’t go your house this year, “SORRY”, I will go on next time… So fast, New Year ended and everyone is busy for their work and study, the normal life still continues. This year no New Year feeling as many years ago right? This is because we are grown. Time passed fast, but it doesn’t any matter, because we still alive. Life still keeps going on.

GOD, this really is a post that full of language problems especially grammar. Please don’t feel strange, my SPM RESULT for English just C and it does hurt me deeply until now I just can face this problem barh. T^T

I am NUT.

A 18th year’s girl that keeps happy and crazy.

How about you?

Anyway, angpow give me after reading this post!!

(of course I am kidding only.haha)


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